Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Apologize Keyboard Noter Which Keyboard Is Equivalent To The Roland G6?

Which keyboard is equivalent to the roland g6? - apologize keyboard noter

So I went with my friends and used them and loved them.

but the price is around 3k. All you really want, is back to play keyboards on songs like "excuse me" or "poker face".

Are there keyboards that are cheaper and with all the instruments?

Oh, and yes, I'm a noob when it comes to that I know about the installation nithing MIDI.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

There are many keyboards available with all sounds, it's just a question of how much you are willing to spend, too. I had my share of keyboards, I went to Radio Shack, there are about 5 years now and I have a simple keyboard that has many different voices. It cost me about $ 150. This has been very good for a few years before I learned about noon. I sat with my time (on the computer with a MIDI cable as with Amazon $ 10) and with fruit loops played (music from the PC so that programs are completely free of charge)


and every voice can change the program and save it. If you are sure this path that you go buy a keyboard with a MIDI output. And now, now I have great a Yamaha Clavinova (approx. $ 1500) for piano! Absolutely love it! But if a piano would be good choices depending on your budget. If you have a budget, really in MIDI, you can do so much for so little money at it! If you have questions about an e-mail and I'll help as best I can.

We hope that this helps! Good luck withhis music.

Radio Shack Keyboards (range $ 199 - $ 980):

Other keyboards Amazon (range from about $ 200 - very expensive)
http://www.amazon.com/s/qid=1251787389/ref=sr_st?rs=11970001&page=1&rh=n% 3A% 3A11091801% 2CN% 2CN% 2CN% 2111965861% 3A11970001% 3A11969981 & BBN = & sort = 11,970,001 - Price

Happy Hunting

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